A Refusal to Work Overtime: What Do You Need to Know?
Can you refuse to work overtime? If so, can you be dismissed for refusing to work overtime? Also, can a tacit agreement become enforceable to compel an employee to stay and work overtime? These are all questions that were posed and answered in the recent Labour Court judgment of AMCU obo Mkhonto and Others v […]
Precautionary suspension of an employee – What are the requirements?
Employers are often challenged on the fairness of the precautionary suspension of an Employee. The inherent fairness criteria have been impacted by the decision of the Constitutional Court in Long vs South African Breweries (Pty) Ltd and others (2018) ZACC 7. The purpose of a precautionary suspension of an Employee is mainly to mitigate further risk […]
Die Verkoop van ’n Eiendom met Gebreke: Wat Jy Moet Weet
Die koper onderteken ’n koopooreenkoms met die verkoper. Die eiendom word oorgedra na die koper se naam. ’n Maand later is daar swaar reënbuie en die dak lek. Is die verkoper of die koper, as die nuwe eienaar, aanspreeklik om die dak te herstel? Om te verstaan watter party aanspreeklik is, moet ’n mens die […]