Gebruiklike huwelik geldig verklaar in vrouens se geskil
Die gewig wat gebruiklike huwelike dra, is weereens beklemtoon tydens ‘n regsdispuut tussen twee weduwees. Albei vrouens het beweer dat hulle wettiglik met hul nou-oorlede man getroud was. Die eerste vrou het verklaar dat sy ingevolge gewoontereg in 1991 met haar man getrou het. Die tweede vrou het verklaar dat sy die “ware vrou” is […]
I’ve been pulled over by the police, what are my rights?
Being pulled over by the police is often an intimidating and frightening experience for many. In many situations, it’s an experience in which the police exploit motorists who do not know their rights and in other situations, it’s one in which drivers receive a go-to jail card for non-compliance with a police official’s instructions. It […]